Virtual reality! How Cool!

Virtual reality is an amazing technology that allows the user to get a full 360-degree view of whatever has been captured. This could be real life places or events or it could be programmed video games that allow you to access different parts of a new world. The educational value is immense.   The creativity … Continue reading Virtual reality! How Cool!

Makeblock Neuron – do they have educational value?

Makeblock is an intriguing piece of technology that allows the user to link together pod like items and great a link that produces an outcome. For this tool it could foster creativity by allowing students to use their own coding skills and create links between all the different outputs. An example for how it could … Continue reading Makeblock Neuron – do they have educational value?

Bee-Bots – Introduction to Robotics in the Classroom

Bee-Bots are a unique and fun way to start students computational thinking skills. The robot can remember up to 40 different commands and allows the student to program it to go left, right, forwards, backwards. With these programming skills comes maths and distance learning as well. The Bee-Bots allow children to create and perform tasks … Continue reading Bee-Bots – Introduction to Robotics in the Classroom

Blockly – A way to learn coding

Computational thinking is not something that I would usually think that I could do. Even hearing the words computational thinking makes me curl up and say NOOOO! However using Blockly Maze was revolutionary for someone like me who struggles with even the idea of coding. The simple step by step process and being able … Continue reading Blockly – A way to learn coding